How much of the business do you want to cover? Factory and office, or full supply chain Define which level of emission scopes should be included (see table)
Data Gathering
Collect Data as shown in figure
Carbon Footprint Analysis
Data is fed into the Carbon Lens in house calculator to produce a detailed carbon footprint
We support businesses to make well-informed ‘resource efficiency’ adjustments to practices, processes, and equipment.
Decarbonisation Planning
A range of options to help businesses plan for Decarbonisation, Carbon Neutrality of full Net-Zero Planning.
Offsetting may be required initially to balance emissions that cannot yet be fully eliminated. We advise on creditable offsetting schemes aimed at achieving UN Climate Neutral Now status.
Let your stakeholders know you are Carbon Neutral. We provide education programs for all staff, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders as well as providing white label carbon reports.